The Resurrection (Core52:44) Easter | 2020

Seth Thomas - 4/12/2020

Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 44

Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse

Day Three | Story Reading

Mark 16
John 11

Day Four | Verse Meditation

Ezekiel 37:1–14
John 11:25
John 20

Day Five | Application

Identify one of the six points from the essay that should have a bigger impact on your life. How should this truth change your actions or thinking?

Group Discussion

  • What are some reasons people do not believe in the resurrection? How would you respond to their objections?
  • Which of the reasons to believe in the historical account of Jesus’ resurrection do you think are most helpful to those who do not believe? Why?
  • What are the results of the resurrection that you think are neglected, but are important to understand and believe?
  • What result is most difficult to believe for you and live in light of? How can you begin to believe it and live it out?